State Regulations
Oregon Fish Passage Laws: Oregon Revised Statutes (ODFW)
Oregon Fish Passage Laws: Oregon Administrative Rules (ODFW)
Fish Screening (ODFW)
Fish Screening and Irrigation Diversion Protection (WDFW)
Forest Practice Rules
Oregon Department of Forestry: Oregon Road/Stream Crossing Restoration Guide (ODF)
Criteria and Guidelines
Anadromous Salmonid Passage Facility Design (NOAA)
Fish Protection Screen Guidelines for Washington State (WDFW)
California Department of Fish and Game Fish Screening Criteria (CDFG)
Technical Supplement 14N – Fish Passage and Screening Design (USDA)
Fish Protection at Water Diversions: A Guide for Planning and Designing Fish Exclusion Facilities (BOR)
Designing Fish Screens for Fish Protection at Water Diversions (NMFS)