International Fish Screening Techniques (2014)
Effects of Entrainment and Bypass at Screened Irrigation Canals on Juvenile Steelhead (2012)
Close Encounters with a Fish Screen: Integrating Physiological and Behavioral Results to Protect Endangered Species in Exploited Ecosystems (2011)
Close Encounters with a Fish Screen II: Delta Smelt Behavior Before and During Screen Contact (2011)
Close Encounters with a Fish Screen III: Behavior, Performance, Physiological Stress Responses, and Recovery of Adult Delta Smelt Exposed to Two-Vector Flows near a Fish Screen (2011)
Comparing Fish Screen Performance to Physical Design Criteria (2011)
Effectiveness of Fish Screens to Prevent Entrainment of Westslope Cutthroat Trout into Irrigation Ditches (2011)
Factors Affecting Fish Entrainment into Massive Water Diversions in a Tidal Freshwater Estuary: Can Fish Losses be Managed? (2011)
Untested Assumptions: Effectiveness of Screening Diversions for Conservation of Fish Populations (2011)
AFS Fisheries Bioengineering Symposium (1991)