The 2022 FSOC Workshop is expected to attract attendees from state, federal, tribal, county entities, and NGOs. The FSOC is asking organizations, businesses, and agencies involved in aquatic resource management to consider contributing to this important meeting.
Sponsorship is available at all levels. Your donations will support all conference activities. If you are interested in sponsoring or have questions, please contact Neil Ward at (503) 477-4310 ext. 102 or email at
Levels of Support
Gold Level…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….$1,000
Sponsorship acknowledged in the meeting program (1/2 page ad)
Sponsorship acknowledged publicly at the meeting
Opportunity to distribute material at the meeting
Opportunity to insert material in meeting program
Two complimentary registrations
Silver Level…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$500
Sponsorship acknowledged in the meeting program
Sponsorship acknowledged publicly at the meeting
Opportunity to distribute material at the meeting
Opportunity to insert material in meeting program
One complimentary registration
Bronze Level………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….$250
Sponsorship acknowledged in the meeting program
Sponsorship acknowledged publicly at the meeting