Workshop – September 17-19th, 2013

Pacific Northwest Fish Screening and Passage Workshop in Missoula, Montana
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Call for Presentations

Opening Remarks by Pat Saffel, MFWP (Download – 12.7 MB)
Washington Update by Timothy Burns, WDFW (Download – 8.53 MB)
Oregon Update by Pete Baki, ODFW
Idaho Update by Paddy Murphy, IDFG (Download – 22.3 MB)
Montana Update by Mark Lere, MFWP
The Challenges of Implementing Fish Screens on Pressurized Irrigation Systems: A Biological Perspective by Paddy Murphy, IDFG (Download – 24.7 MB)
Using Fish Screens and Siphons to Reconnect a Migratory Westslope Cutthroat Trout Population: Did this Work? by Chris Clancy, MFWP
Modifying Existing Structures to Install New Fish Screens by Robert Edwards, ODFW
Horizontal Screens: Project Design, Implementation, and Operation by Les Perkins, FCA Solutions, Hood River, OR (Download – 81.1 MB)
Proposed Replacement of Roza Screens by Mark Briggs, USBR, Yakima, WA
Utilizing Technology in Fish Screening and Passage by Ray Gilmour, WDFW (Download – 155 MB)
Peoples Irrigation District & ODFW Cost-share Program, Look before You Leap by Martin Olson, ODFW
The Use Of Barriers to Protect Westslope Cutthroat Trout Populations from Genetic Introgression and Competition by Nonnative Salmonids by David Moser, MFWP (Download – 4.41 MB)
Fish Barrier Design Evolution in Montana by George Austiguy, P.E., Pioneer Technical Services with Contributions by Dale White, USFS
Thompson Falls Fish Ladder: A solution for Moving Bull Trout over a Montana Dam by Brent Mabbott, PPL Montana, Butte, MT (Download – 33.6 MB)
Cartersville Fish Passage – Design Considerations for Eastern Montana by Gary Elwell, P.E., Dowl HKM, Billings, MT
Conserving Fluvial Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout: Water, Passage, Screens, and Challenges by Carol Endicott, MFWP (Download – 18.6 MB)
John Day Fish Screening and Passage Program Current Issues by Mike Jensen, ODFW
Hydraulic Performance of Roughened Channels by Joey Howard, P.E., Cascade Stream Solutions, LLC, Ashland, OR (Download – 33.8 MB)
Steelhead Video by Joey Howard, P.E., Cascade Stream Solutions, LLC, Ashland, OR (Download – 37.2 MB)
Reducing Operation and Maintenance with Traveling Screens by Michael Laurent, Hydrolox Engineered Polymer Screens, Harahan, LA (Download – 6.86 MB)
Six Mile Video (Download – 20.5 MB)